On 18.07.2019 in the Municipal Multimedia Centre “Kiro Gligorov” in Shtip training was held for Macedonian beneficiaries of grants from the Second call of the INTERREG-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program with the Republic of Bulgaria.
The training was held by representatives of the Joint Secretariat for the implementation of the program under Kyustendil and Strumica, who presented in detail the rules for the implementation of projects, as well as the most common mistakes made from previous experience and recommendations for overcoming them.
The training was attended by about 40 representatives from a number of municipalities, NGOs and the Centres for Development of the three planning regions East, Southeast and Northeast who passed the strict selection criteria and gained the right to implement projects.
The Centre for development of the East planning region as a lead partner signed a contract for the realization of a project for reconstruction and adaptation of the Multicultural Centre in Kochani in the amount of over 19 million denars.
The Centre for development of the East planning region has also provided technical assistance in the preparation of the project application of the PHI Clinical Hospital in Shtip for reconstruction of the Infectious Department in the amount of over 12 million denars.