About the project
Specific objective:
Enhancing the tourism potential of the region through cooperation initiatives
in better preservation and sustainable utilization of natural and cultural heritage
Project Activities
The main activities that this project incorporates are:
- Capacity building modules “Sustainable use of culture for tourism development”. Strenghthening cooperation between tourism and culture sectors within 3 three-day workshops; 20 participants each workshop (10 participants per side).
- Networking and development of festival and creative tourism web - platform and digital marketing tourism solutions. Improvement of the online marketing and communication of culture tourism in the CBC area to boost online presence.
- Trainings for the representatives of municipalities and tourist sector with focus on developing digital skills and expertise. The potential of digital technology as a marketing service of tourism and social media has not been fully recognized by the culture and tourism sector stakeholders. Skills mismatch is among the fundamental problems hampering the competitiveness of the tourism industry, thus capacity building workshops will be organized.
- Presentation of the municipality of Gotse Delchev Culture tradition on Culture Summer Programme in the municipalities of East Planning Region. “5 days culture and tradition of Gotse Delchev” in the frame of the Kochani summer festival will be organized, including organization of exhibition of the culture, tradition and cultural heritage of the municipality of Gotse Delchev.
- Participation of East Region in spring festival International dance day in Gotse Delchev. Amateur folklore dance groups attend spring festival International dance day in Gotse Delchev with the ascent on the authentic folklore and modern folklore performance.
- Project promotional press conferences. Total of 4 promotional press conference, 2 on project beginning, 2 on prject end.
- Production of video with digital fragments of tourist sites in the East region and Municipality of Gotse Delchev. Production of the 2 promotional videos, one for East region and one for Gotse Delchev, which will include three- dimensional fragments for selected cultural heritage locations in the East Region and Municipality of Gotse Delchev.
- Organization of cultural heritage thematic excursion for students of secondary schools. Organization of the 4 days cultural heritage thematic excursion in Gotse Delchev ( 3 nights) for 24 participants, (20 students (by 10 per partner) + 4 teachers (by two per partner) of secondary schools).
- Importance-Performance Analysis - role of culture and tourism in enhancing destination attractiveness and competitiveness . Properly planned festivals and cultural events have the ability to attract a variety of consumers to an area and in turn increase the economic impact on the community.
- Rehabilitation of multicultural center in Kochani. Еnabling establishment of the Multicultural Centre by reconstruction of an old cultural facility.
- Rehabilitation of tourist center in Gotse Delchev. Provide adequate space for development of creative tourism and establishment of the Culture Tourist Information Centre.
Project Results
The following results will be attained through the project implementation:
- established 2 locations for culture tourism information centre;
- improved knowledge and skills on digital technology as marketing tool;
- two promotional videos with selected cultural herritage in btoh regions;
- networking and development of web platform;
Target Groups
The project will positively affect the follwoing target groups:
- Stakeholders in culture and tourism sector – creation and promotion of festival /creative tourism offer;
- visitors of the festivals and tourists;
- Enriching the existing festivals by presenting the cultural traditions of both partners;
- public administrations;
- increasing the capacities related with tourism;
- local population;
- increased local income and improved environment for new jobs in culture and tourism sector
- public and cultural institutions;
- Positive effects upon the profitability of the cultural infrastructures;
Project Partners
Lead Partner:
Centre for development of the East planning region, Republic of
Municipality of Gotse Delchev, Republic of Bulgaria